Sunday, January 8

Here we go again!

Well, "hope springs eternal" and all that, so here we go again, my chance to turn over a new leaf. I've revamped the blog  in the hopes of not getting distracted by all the formatting and layout options in the future, or by clicking on that intriguing "Next Blog" button, or by that shiny thing over there... ooh, pretty...

Anyway, I hope to add some of my romance book reviews and random thoughts here, such as they are. Where possible I will link to the author or book page on Goodreads. For those worried about my grammar and spelling, please don't be. I'll make mistakes, like everyone else (damn that human factor!), but keep in mind that I live in Australia and we use the Queen's English here, not the American equivalent. Just you watch though, now that I've included that, I'm guaranteed to start making a whole bunch of typos :-)

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