Wednesday, December 7 back to our regular viewing...

The last three months have flown by. Circumstances at home have been a little hectic, as my husband has been working in the city (an hour and a half away) and the my shifts at work have changed. I've had end of school year craziness (in Australia, the school year runs from January to December) and reading lots instead of writing any.

But I'm here again, and looking ahead for 2012.

Despite telling myself that I'm obviously not organised enough to study, I feel like my brain needs more. There are some short writing courses I can do online that I'm having a look at through the Sydney Writer's Centre. I like the timeline, and the options. For the next few weeks, I'll continue to plan for next year, and take advantage of the holidays to have fun with my kids. My middle child starts school next year and I want to gather all the moments I can before he joins the 9-3 crowd.

For anyone who has found their way here, I wish you all a holiday season filled with laughter and friends. And, if you can stand them, family :-)
Merry Christmas!

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