Wednesday, August 31

A Signpost?

Just this week I have caught up with a dear friend whom I haven't seen in too long. Amid our talk of children, men, emotions and finances - you know, all the proper stuff you share with a close friend! - we came upon the topic of goals, dreams and directions. More importantly, how these have recently changed as our circumstances have changed.

My friend had her own successful design business for years, and after much debate and soul-searching she came to the decision to let it go. It wasn't an easy decision for her and anyone who has ever met her can attest to her gift for the aesthetic. She is not only talented in her work on the computer, canvas and paper, but her home itself feels like various pieces of art brought to life within a welcoming space. As she is currently at a loss, and since my own head has recently been full of literary dreams, I asked her if she'd ever thought of illustrating children's books. After an excited breath, quickly followed by a "Funny you should mention that! I've been meaning to talk to you about this...' and she continued to explain that she's been thinking of it quite a lot actually, and wouldn't it be funny if she and I could possibly collaborate....

I have been thinking about it a lot. Is this a signpost on my journey? A friendly hand pointing out a new direction? A diverging path? Now the next step is to write. Just write. I can only follow it awhile to see where it leads...

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