Sunday, January 22

Review: Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts

Chasing Fire
Title: Chasing Fire
Author: Nora Roberts
Graded: A

I'm a fan of Roberts' stand-alones and this one didn't disappoint.
One thing you can definitely say about Ms Roberts is that her subject matter is usually very well-researched. I was fascinated to learn about a setting and career I would normally never have researched. Some readers may find the detail over-the-top, but I didn't mind it at all and appreciated how it helped cement the characters to me. There was no doubt in my mind that the heroine had to be strong to be as good as she was at her job. You get a very real sense from the book that firejumpers don't do the job, they live the job while it's happening.

This story was made all the more believable by the slow sizzle of the romance. There is primarily a physical relationship and respect between the H/h, but no angsty coming-together dramas - very refreshing for a romance reader! The dialogue was fantastic (another strength of Roberts' writing), the banter between the two showcasing Rowan's strength and Gull's masculine self-confidence. He's not intimidated to take orders from her, and is trying to charm her without belittling her, which makes him all the more tempting to Rowan and sigh-worthy to the reader.

The plot was well-paced and the suspense/ mystery was satisfying, but hardly taxing. In fact, there were only two things that bothered me about this story: I felt the protagonists were a little too perfect, and a lot of the jargon wasn't explained within the story.

If you were reading this as a straight out mystery or suspense, I think you would be disappointed. If you were reading this for the romance, you might possibly get impatient with a lot of the added detail. But for lovers of romantic suspense, I think this is a fine example.

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